IYs in Munich, Germany for Caterva

Want an IY in Munich, Germany? We have been sent an email from Caterva:

I am writing on behalf of Caterva who have one-year placement opportunities for Bachelors & Masters Students in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or Electronic Engineering at Caterva Munich.

Caterva GmbH is a high-tech company creating new solutions for distributed energy storage, and is pioneering a new model of grid stabilisation. It is well-funded, run by experts in the field who have previous success in renewable energy start-ups, and is offering four 13 month internship opportunities at its headquarters in Munich starting July 2016. The placements reflect the spectrum of Caterva’s development activities: web & mobile interface development, C++ software development for communications, power electronics hardware design and test, and data acquisition and database development.

These are not placements that will suit all Students. Being a start-up, the environment is challenging. Initiative and independent working are key, and expectations will be high. Entrepreneurial Students, the ones with wild ideas who may already be saying “I am going start my own business” are the most likely to thrive!

Excellent salaries and working conditions are on offer.

There are students on current placements and they will overlap with the new Students to give them help to get started and then excellent handover training.

Telephone number – UK contact 07718 588482
Email address – intern@caterva.de
Deadline 31st March.

Caterva Stagiaire Job Description 2016-2017 Ver2 (002)

DRAFT Caterva – Internship – Flyer2016


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