IY – DCA Designs

Dear students looking for an IY


Howard, from DCA Designs (represented at Gregynog by Hester) has just sent us this. Please apply if the area is of interest to you! We want to keep DCA Designs coming back to Gregynog, and they have only had a couple of applications so far. Because they know our students, and come direcly to us, this is one of those positions which you have a high chance with. So it’s worth the effort of applying. If you’re all worried about the CS27020 assignment deadline on Friday, then you have the weekend to apply. But please don’t forget! Put it on your calendar: “Do application” for Friday evening 🙂


“It was great to meet so many of you at Gregynog and chat about all things software! As a reminder to those of you interested in embedded software development, our industrial year placement application closes next Monday 12th November.  I hope to hear from many of you in the next few days.  If you have any questions about the process or the placement please contact myself (hester.corne@dca-design.com) or my colleague Howard Stapleton (howard.stapleton@dca-design.com). ”



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