3rd years – careers sessions in November

Drop-in Careers Advice

Carolyn Parry will be in the department on Wednesday 6th November to run 1-to-1 drop in careers sessions for 3rd years.

There is a sign-up sheet at the hatch in reception – these slots are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. There are sessions between 10am and 12noon and then at 3pm until 5pm. Each session lasts for 20 minutes.

The sessions will take place on the sofas in reception.

Graduate Scheme Workshop

Carolyn will also be running a 2-hour workshop for those of you who are interested in applying to graduate schemes with the large employers. These schemes have closing dates over the next couple of months. This workshop will give you guidance on what these schemes how and how they operate, together with information about the application process. This will be an interactive workshop and it is a great chance for you to ask your questions about graduate schemes.

To help us plan for a suitable room, we need you to sign-up for the event. There is a sign-up form at the hatch in reception. We will announce the room closer to the time.

If you have questions about these events, please contact nst@aber.ac.uk.

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