Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust

Here is a copy of an opportunity I have just been sent by email.

It is now time for the GWCT to begin advertising our placement opportunities for 2018/19. At this time, we have 1 x undergraduate Computer Science and Wildlife Research sandwich placement opportunity. This placement along with our ecological research opportunities have now been added to our website:

Application and Deadline

I strongly suggest that interested students, get the following to the placement contacts as soon as possible:

1. CV detailing A levels and GCSEs – results and subjects; as well as any graded university results up until the application is sent. Please ask students to include information on any paid or volunteer activities.

2. Covering letter – Students should describe what they want out of the placement, their interest and what skills they bring to it.

3. A references letter from a lecturer or tutor.

We will need these documents by 3rd January 2018 to ensure that students are considered for the first round of interviews. For most of the placements interviewing will start in mid-January and will continue until we have filled the positions. We may accept late applications if we have not filled the position already so it is always worthwhile for interested students to enquire, up until the adverts are taken off our website.

Finally, thank you again for allowing us the opportunity of providing sandwich placements to your students. Over the course of many years we have found sandwich students to be an extremely valuable addition to our organisation and we have enjoyed working with them and you. We as an organisation, feel the students get invaluable experience in wildlife conservation research from these opportunities, which seems to be a valuable asset when they enter the job market or postgraduate education, be it related or not.

If I am sending this to the incorrect person then please also let me know, if possible with the correct contact.

Kind Regards,

Ryan Burrell

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