AberForward – Software Testing Assistant – Work Experience

The Law and Criminology Department’s project Veterans Legal Link is seeking to hire a Software Testing Assistant through the AberForward Scheme. This is an opportunity for one of your students to gain valuable work experience.

If you would be kind enough to send this out to the students in your department it would be much appreciated. I have included a description of the role below. If any of your students would like to apply for the role or have questions about the AberForward scheme they can contact Alex Baldwin [alb128] with questions or request and application form from Profiad Gwaith / Work Experience [ymlstaff@aber.ac.uk] and send the email for the attention (FOA) Gwen.

Software Testing Assistant

Your role will be to test the security and accessibility of our online portal software.

Duties will include penetration testing, QA testing, and systems administration. The role will primarily involve trying to break our system to test for security vulnerabilities and logic errors. Additional responsibilities will include testing the accessibility of the web portal.

The portal is being developed on the LAMP stack, so a strong applicant would have requisite knowledge of Linux, Apache, MariaDB, and PHP. JavaScript and HTML knowledge would also be useful for the role.

This position is avaliable to 2nd year and above Computer Science students or students who can demonstrate a strong ability for programming. Placement duration is 146 hours. A part time position would be 15 hours a week for 10 weeks. A full-time option is also avaliable. The position would be fully remote.

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