Summer placement opportunities with Accenture

Looking for a Summer Placement? We need you!
Demand for our services from clients is at a high. In response, we have re-opened applications for this year’s Summer Vacation Scheme for a short period of time. Your placement will begin in July 2015 and last for 8 weeks so you’ll need to get your applications in pronto.

Our Summer Vacation Scheme:
If you are interested in a career at Accenture, have a passion for business and technology, and are looking for a summer placement, we want to hear from you. On our summer internship, you can expect to be immersed in live project work from day one. Intense and rewarding, the scheme allows you to make your mark on a vast global business, whilst forming connections with exceptional people on every level. The aim is to give you an insight into what life is like at the sharp end of business and technology evolution, so by the end of the internship, you come away with some valuable skills – and hopefully an offer to join us when you graduate.

How to apply:

length of scheme: 8 weeks
start date: July 2015

IMPORTANT: To be eligible for our Summer Vacation Scheme you must be in the penultimate year of your Bachelor’s Degree, have a minimum of 340 UCAS points at A-level or equivalent, and an expected 2:1 degree.

We look forward to hearing from you!
Accenture’s Graduate Recruitment Team

Careers Fair in Aber 22nd January

Not sure where to take your degree next? Come along to the IMPACS Careers fair to chat to organisations, attend sessions with graduate recruiters or find out what other Maths, Physics and Computer Science students did next at the Alumni panel Q & A.
Organisations attending include Oracle, Renishaw, the Office for National Statistics and more. Take the next step to discovering the opportunities available to you at the IMPACS Careers Fair.

Hugh Owen Level E, 11am-3pm, Thurs 22nd January.

The programme of talks is:
11.00 – NHS Informatics
11.30 – Oracle
12.00 – IBM
12.30 – ACCA
13.00 – Alumni session, Leon Davis (CS), Joe Hill (Maths) and Owen Roberts (Physics) with Q&A
14.00 – Alacrity Foundation

See the Facebook event for more details.

National Graduate Recruitment Fair in Birmingham

Friday 7th Nov: National Graduate Recruitment Fair in Birmingham

Cost is £10, but you get £8 back when you arrive. Sign up for a place on the Aber Uni bus to travel there and back at the Careers office in the Student Union building. Meet many different employers under one roof and explore all your career options. See the 5 minute video at

TeachFirst Insight Programme

TeachFirst has notified us of an opportunity for penultimate year students in STEM subjects. TeachFirst runs a graduate programme that combines teaching and a leadership development programme. Laura McAvoy from TeachFirst wrote:

“Insight is an opportunity for penultimate year STEM eligible students to gain a unique insight into the Leadership Development Programme – participants on the programme gain work experience in a Teach First partner school, as well as the chance to inspire pupils with their passion for science, technology, engineering or maths.”

A 2-page flyer is available: Insight Flyer.

If you are interested, also see the online application details. The deadline for this first round is Friday January 17th. You will have a second opportunity to take part as the programme should run again in September.

IY – Plymouth Marine Laboratory

Please see:-


Placements now being advertised at PML – please see above.
We have had a long-standing relationship with PML having had IY students with them for many years now.
They like Aber students a lot, so now’s your chance – please apply.

Closing date 13th December.



Please find attached details of 7 placements for computing students at Plymouth Marine Laboratory (Remote Sensing group).
Please would you advertise the placements among your students, with particular encouragement for those with excellent programming ability. Applications are sought by Friday 13th December, sent to me by post, e-mail or fax, details in advert.
Latest news: and @PlymouthMarine
Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales, company number 4178503. Registered Charity No. 1091222. Registered Office: Prospect Place, The Hoe, Plymouth  PL1 3DH, UK.





SyQic Summer Internships

Summer internship offers for second, third and MSc students.
Hi. My name’s Darius and I’m a software developer at SyQic Limited. We’re an international IPTV company based in Kuala Lumpur who specialise in supplying Asian video-on-demand to diaspora communities. I was offered an internship opportunity with the company after graduating from the MEng at Aber Comp Sci. As part of the placement I lived and worked in Malaysia for a month, an experience I enjoyed immensely. The company offered me a permanent position at their UK office at the end of the placement which I eagerly accepted.
I work with the development team at SyQic’s office in Gerrards Cross, just on the outskirts of London. I’ve also travelled to Kuala Lumpur again since starting to work directly with my colleagues in the Far East.
We’re currently in the final stages of a project to create a new product called Yoonic. It’s revamping our content management and distribution systems as well as creating a brand new front-end app range. All of this presents several interesting challenges which I’ve enjoyed tackling over the past few months. Now we’re on the threshold of an exciting new stage in the project as we deploy with out partners and look in the future to design and add features that will increase the value of the platform to our subscribers.
SyQic’s offering several internship placements this summer that would be great experience for recent graduates. Whether you’re interested in smartphone app development, web development or video delivery there’s something for you here. For an opportunity to work on an interesting and exciting project and get some valuable work experience, apply now. There are permanent positions in the company up for grabs as well at the end of the placement!
For further information and how to apply, read: Information about the Internship Programme. Applications should me made using the:
Application Form