IY – Software Developer – Blurrt


Please see:- Blurrt 2014

Miles Cook who is an Aber Grad has contacted me – he works for a company called Blurrt http://www.blurrt.co.uk/, based in Newport, South Wales – they want to take on an IY student for the first time, this is what he says:-

“As an Aber Computer Science graduate (2004) I feel I benefited greatly from the year in employment scheme, and I’m interested to see what kind of skilled and enthusiastic students we can bring in. A fixed placement with us could also lead to an offer of employment once the student has concluded their studies, as our software development team grows.

We are a Twitter analytics company with 4 full time staff. Our flagship product “blurrt” performs linguistic based sentiment analysis of tweets, which we can report out on per keyword / campaign, and offer clients dashboard reporting and analysis tools. So far our main source of work in terms of commissioned bespoke reports and subscriptions to our online tool, are broadcasters for shows that have high engagement through Twitter (such as Made in Chelsea, Sherlock). We are also in the digital agency market, and are exploring other avenues such as Politics, for example, tracking opinion on the Scottish referendum.

I head up the development of our online web tool, partially assisted by our in house graphics designer. We require a developer with a keen interest in web development, new technologies and social media. Their role will be to assist in the continual development of our product and as a secondary role, to assist with the company website.
Salary is £16k
Please email your CV and cover letter to miles@blurrt.co.uk .
Closing date is 3rd FebruaryAgain, this one is only being advertised to Aber students.  You are in demand this year!  🙂

TeachFirst Insight Programme

TeachFirst has notified us of an opportunity for penultimate year students in STEM subjects. TeachFirst runs a graduate programme that combines teaching and a leadership development programme. Laura McAvoy from TeachFirst wrote:

“Insight is an opportunity for penultimate year STEM eligible students to gain a unique insight into the Leadership Development Programme – participants on the programme gain work experience in a Teach First partner school, as well as the chance to inspire pupils with their passion for science, technology, engineering or maths.”

A 2-page flyer is available: Insight Flyer.

If you are interested, also see the online application details. The deadline for this first round is Friday January 17th. You will have a second opportunity to take part as the programme should run again in September.

The Power of Social Networking – Enterprise Rent-A-Car

3rd years – applying for graduate jobs…? Probably relevant for 2nd years starting process for IY positions. I have been asked to give a final push for an event that Careers have been advertising.

The Power of Social Networking – Enterprise Rent-A-Car
TODAY in Physics 320 at 1pm.

An interactive session allowing participants to learn about how Graduate Employer of the Year Enterprise Rent-A-Car use social media to engage with students and what YOU can do to use social media to network with graduate employers and raise your online personal brand.

There is a second event, but it would only appeal to those of you who are interested in Sales and Marketing.

Working in Sales and Marketing – Enterprise Rent-A-Car
TODAY in Physics Main – 3pm to 5pm

An interactive session where participants will have an insight into sales and marketing and then work on a sales and marketing 1 hour challenge allowing you to be creative and present your ideas.

Teach First event in Aber on Dec 3rd 2013

We have received details about a visit from Teach First to Aberystwyth next Tuesday (3rd December). The event starts at 5pm in the Students Union. If you are interested in graduate teaching opportunities, please read on.

–8<----- Hello, My name is Laura McAvoy and I am the main contact for Aberystwyth students who’d like to find out more about Teach First. The link between low family income and poor educational attainment is greater in the UK than in almost any other developed country. It’s not right, it’s not fair and it can’t continue. But it doesn't have to be this way. Teach First harnesses the energy, enthusiasm and drive of outstanding graduates, like you, and equips them with leadership skills to enable inspirational teaching in schools in challenging circumstances across England and Wales. At the same time Teach First’s two-year Leadership Development Programme gives participants the skills, experience and leadership development training to excel in careers in any field. Teach First is an influential charity and an increasingly powerful movement founded to address this problem directly. Now in its eleventh year, it has played a part in changing the lives of thousands of young people. Join us at our Aberystwyth University presentation to find out more about our Leadership Development Programme. Day- Tuesday 3rd December Time- 5pm Venue- Aberystwyth Students' Union – The Picturehouse, 3rd floor It will be a great opportunity for you to find out more, have your questions answered and hear from people who have done the programme. You can sign up via our website- http://graduates.teachfirst.org.uk/events/index.html.

I look forward to seeing you then,


IY – HP Cloud Services – Galway, Ireland


You will be joining a high energy and seasoned team, to build and run the next generation of public cloud, as part of HP’s converged cloud offering. HP Cloud Services (HPCS) is part of HP, focusing on providing HP’s public cloud. Our goal is to provide the next generation of cloud infrastructure, platform services, and cloud solutions for developers, ISVs, and businesses of all sizes, based on OpenStack and related open source projects.www.hpcloud.com  provides more information of HP’s public cloud service.
As a member of the team, you will participate in one or more aspects of building a highly available, scalable and secure cloud solution. You will be engaged in a mix of Open Source and proprietary development, working with teams in HP and across the Open Stack Community.
HP’s European Software Centre in Galway, on the west coast of Ireland. Galway is the major hub of Western Ireland, and well known for mixing travellers, students, culture and night-life.
HP Galway has a long history of taking placement year students from Aberystwyth, and prides itself on providing an atmosphere and situation where both students and HP get the maximum benefit from their year. Students are given real work on real systems and become full members of the teams they are placed with. Recent students have opensource commits and reviews, CVE security vulnerability disclosures and other achievements to their name earned while on their placement year.
– As a member of the HP Cloud Services team, you will contribute to the operational (running a data centre) and development activities involved with deploying and maintaining a public cloud.
– Work with multiple project teams of other software systems engineers and internal and outsourced development partners responsible for all stages of design and development for complex products and platforms, including solution design, analysis, coding, testing, and integration.
– Work with a range of technologies including Python, Linux, OpenStack, ReSTful APIs, opscode chef, ruby, git, HP labs technology and lots of big shiny servers.
19k euro / annum, pro-rata for the length of internship
CV and cover letter tostuart.mclaren@hp.com
Our current placement student, Tom Leaman, has offered to field any questions people may have if they wish to address them directly to a student: email tom.leaman@hp.com

IY – Plymouth Marine Laboratory

Please see:-


Placements now being advertised at PML – please see above.
We have had a long-standing relationship with PML having had IY students with them for many years now.
They like Aber students a lot, so now’s your chance – please apply.

Closing date 13th December.



Please find attached details of 7 placements for computing students at Plymouth Marine Laboratory (Remote Sensing group).
Please would you advertise the placements among your students, with particular encouragement for those with excellent programming ability. Applications are sought by Friday 13th December, sent to me by post, e-mail or fax, details in advert.
Latest news: www.pml.ac.uk and @PlymouthMarine
Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales, company number 4178503. Registered Charity No. 1091222. Registered Office: Prospect Place, The Hoe, Plymouth  PL1 3DH, UK.