IY – Grid Tools – Oxford

Grid Tools IY 2014

A chance for you to put what you learnt at Gregynog into practice 🙂

Please see above – based in Oxford – salary will be £18k.  We have had two industrial year students at this company last year and they were VERY IMPRESSED with them.

They are only advertising the position to Aber students – so a wonderful opportunity!

To apply – please forward your CV and covering letter to richard.groves@grid-tools.com by 22nd November.

Many thanks


Teach First

We have been contacted by Teach First about computer teaching opportunities. I have extracted the following from their material. If you are interested in finding out more, you can contact Laura McAvoy (details below).

Teach First is an education charity which aims to address educational disadvantage by placing exceptional graduates into secondary and primary schools throughout England and Wales. Teach First expanded into South Wales last year, to help address the significant issues of educational disadvantage in that area and, as such, they would like to raise awareness of Teach First in Welsh universities.

Teach First is one of the largest graduate recruiters in the UK. We have been contacted by Laura McAvoy (Senior – Coordinator – Graduate Recruitment) who said that they are interested in those studying a degree which would enable them to teach Computer Science & ICT. Could you be on the list for this year?

The Teach First recruitment brochure gives details about Teach First and the Leadership Development Programme that it offers.

Further details: www.teachfirst.org.uk and on Twitter: www.twitter.com/Teachfirst. They also have a video available to accompany their current theme “the SINGLE most IMPORTANT thing YOU will DO“.

Contact: Laura McAvoy LMcAvoy@teachfirst.org.uk.

Teaching Scholarships: BCS and Department for Education

BCS and the Department for Education are announcing another set of Teaching Scholarships. Last year, 50 scholarships were awarded. Below are some details about the scheme for anyone considering Computing teaching from 2014.

The scheme has been designed to promote Computing teaching as a rewarding career option. It is also a vital part of our efforts to build Computing teaching capacity among schools and therefore increase the number of schools able to offer it. Our aim is to ensure that schools are able to offer an intellectually rigorous, inspiring and excellent Computing education that equips their students for progression into further education and a professional career. The scholarships are aimed at people looking to start their Computing teacher training in Sept/Oct 2014.

Each scholar will be paid £25,000 (tax free) whilst on an eligible teacher training course in England. This is a considerable increase on the existing teacher training bursaries otherwise available for trainee secondary school Computing teachers. Each successful scholar will also be given Associate membership (AMBCS) of BCS and will be supported by the Computing at School (CAS) network of regional hubs and Master Teachers.

With the recent changes in the school curriculum (featuring a greater emphasis on Computer Science) this is a great opportunity to promote Computing teaching as a viable career option to your final year students and alumni. Applications are now open and a wealth of information is available on the website: http://academy.bcs.org/scholarships.

3rd years – careers sessions in November

Drop-in Careers Advice

Carolyn Parry will be in the department on Wednesday 6th November to run 1-to-1 drop in careers sessions for 3rd years.

There is a sign-up sheet at the hatch in reception – these slots are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. There are sessions between 10am and 12noon and then at 3pm until 5pm. Each session lasts for 20 minutes.

The sessions will take place on the sofas in reception.

Graduate Scheme Workshop

Carolyn will also be running a 2-hour workshop for those of you who are interested in applying to graduate schemes with the large employers. These schemes have closing dates over the next couple of months. This workshop will give you guidance on what these schemes how and how they operate, together with information about the application process. This will be an interactive workshop and it is a great chance for you to ask your questions about graduate schemes.

To help us plan for a suitable room, we need you to sign-up for the event. There is a sign-up form at the hatch in reception. We will announce the room closer to the time.

If you have questions about these events, please contact nst@aber.ac.uk.

Opportunity for those interested in applying for graduate schemes

Next week, the University is being visited by a recruitment consultant from management consultants Pricewaterhouse Cooper (PwC). The session will provide an introduction to Psychometric Testing and include a practice test.

If you are interested in applying for Graduate Schemes, this is something that you should attend.

An Introduction to Psychometric Testing with PwC
Tuesday 29 October 6.15pm
Sign up at http://aber.prospects.ac.uk

Cyflwyniad i Brofi Seicometrig (sesiwn gyda PwC)
Nos Fawrth 29 Hydref 6.15pm
Cofrestrwch yn http://aber.prospects.ac.uk

Google TechAbility for 2013

Google TechAbility Business is a unique opportunity for your disabled and dyslexic undergraduate, master and PhD students to broaden their horizons by gaining an insight into life at Google and its products and to be given dedicated, expert careers advice from their very own Google mentor.

See: http://us5.campaign-archive1.com/?u=e955983112f43cfbce48caead&id=3b8a9d745b&e=50e090179c

The application deadline is Sunday October 20th 2013.

ARM Graduate Opportunities

One of our recent graduates, Nikolay Borisov, has just alerted us to jobs at ARM: http://www.arm.com/about/careers/graduates/vacancies.php

He comments:

“I don’t think there is much to say about ARM – the name speaks of itself J The company is doing very good, this September they hired 105 people and they still need more great talent. It turns out there are 3-4 Aber graduates so people from Uni have great chances. The main requirements is C/PYTHON as well as some general awareness in operating systems/CPU architectures
Hint: read up on CPU pipelines/out of order execution/race conditions in order to prepare for the interview 😀

In case anyone have questions they can email at Nikolay.Borisov@arm.com and I’ll be happy to help”

Job opportunities in Japan for English speakers

We have been given details from a specialist recruitment agency about IT opportunities in Japan. Details of the jobs and the application process can be found on their website at the following links (one for each company):




These are open to recent graduates and those graduating next summer.

Graduate Job opportunity at Experian QAS:  Developer – Front Office Core and Escalations teams

We have been contacted by a former graduate Alistair Mills about job opportunities at Experian QAS. His email said:

“The company have just announced a couple of vacancies ideal for recent graduates. It is a similar role to the one I started in after Aber and it is a great position to learn and get to grips with a wide variety of languages, tools and software. I was wondering if you could send it around the recent graduates to see if anyone is interested.

I’ve attached the full description of the role [see below], details and requirements. Hopefully that is everything you need – we are hoping to hire someone ASAP!

This advert has not been advertised publicly yet but will be going to all towards the end of this week. If anyone is interested in applying or has any questions then please contact me at Alistair.mills@experian.com for more details.”

See the attached job information for details.

GCHQ Online game for Students

GCHQ devises latest Cyber Security Challenge game and asks ‘how well could you protect your company’s intellectual property in the face of a cyber-attack?’

GCHQ, the UK Government Communications Headquarters has developed the latest Cyber Security Challenge competition, testing the UK public’s potential for a career in cyber security. ‘Network Security in the Protection of Intellectual Property’ presents any UK citizen not currently working in the profession with the opportunity to take on the role of a security manager at a small electronics company which has recently won a bid to supply components to the Ministry of Defence. The short online assessment will task them, as the security manager, with ensuring that the company’s IP and valuable data are not stolen by cyber criminals and sold on the online black market.

For details, see the press release document and www.cybersecuritychallenge.org.uk.

SyQic Summer Internships

Summer internship offers for second, third and MSc students.
Hi. My name’s Darius and I’m a software developer at SyQic Limited. We’re an international IPTV company based in Kuala Lumpur who specialise in supplying Asian video-on-demand to diaspora communities. I was offered an internship opportunity with the company after graduating from the MEng at Aber Comp Sci. As part of the placement I lived and worked in Malaysia for a month, an experience I enjoyed immensely. The company offered me a permanent position at their UK office at the end of the placement which I eagerly accepted.
I work with the development team at SyQic’s office in Gerrards Cross, just on the outskirts of London. I’ve also travelled to Kuala Lumpur again since starting to work directly with my colleagues in the Far East.
We’re currently in the final stages of a project to create a new product called Yoonic. It’s revamping our content management and distribution systems as well as creating a brand new front-end app range. All of this presents several interesting challenges which I’ve enjoyed tackling over the past few months. Now we’re on the threshold of an exciting new stage in the project as we deploy with out partners and look in the future to design and add features that will increase the value of the platform to our subscribers.
SyQic’s offering several internship placements this summer that would be great experience for recent graduates. Whether you’re interested in smartphone app development, web development or video delivery there’s something for you here. For an opportunity to work on an interesting and exciting project and get some valuable work experience, apply now. There are permanent positions in the company up for grabs as well at the end of the placement!
For further information and how to apply, read: Information about the Internship Programme. Applications should me made using the:
Application Form

Enterprise Academy. Improve career prospects. Win cash!

Attention all finalists and Masters students. Would you like to have the chance to improve your career prospects, making a major difference to students’ lives and have the chance to win some cash?

This summer, Aberystwyth is piloting the Enterprise Academy. Please read the two linked documents for the details. We are looking for 4 motivated Comp Sci people to join multi-disciplinary teams to work on a project for two weeks.  See the details for info about the application process; you need to act on this by this coming Monday (3rd June)