Fred Long has just been to visit our IY student in CGI, in Leatherhead, Surrey. That’s right on the edge of London, for those who like the big city. He says:


“CGI is recruiting heavily, both for IY placements and graduates.


“Please would you pass on these details as appropriate:


“Kerry Hudson (Student recruitment/co-ordinates IPs and Grads)



“Mark East (Student recruitment)

Email: ”


So, if you’re interested, now would be a very good time to contact these people, or go and check out their web site at

Net World Sports, Wrecsam

Here is a great opportunity for a placement with a company which has taken students from us the past two years. You may remember Joana, who led the IY returners presentation at Gregynog, was there.

The company will probably come to Aberystwyth to interview, so you don’t even need to go anywhere!

Please apply for this one if interested – this job is most probably going to one of you.PLACEMENT Junior Web Developer

Grad jobs, Red Hat

Couple of jobs (grad) going at Red Hat. Got these links from an aber grad who says:


“For the last few years, we have been running a graduate program, and have recently opened up applications for next year’s intake.

We have two types of graduate role open, Professional Services Consultant [1] and Solutions Architect [2]. It would be great if you could share these open positions with the department – we have had great representation from Cardiff over the last 2 years, so it would be good to see some Aberystwyth grads coming through the door!


[2] ”

DCA – short deadline!

The initial deadline for the DCA job was today. Richard just contacted me to say that no-one has applied yet.


This is disappointing. DCA is a company who always come to us for students, always come to Gregynog, and always take students. If none of you want to go there, they might go to another university instead of us next year!


So, if you want to work in the web field, you want to go to a company we know and trust to provide a good placement, and you want a high chance of your application being successful, please apply now! Richard says he will give you until the end of this week.


It would be useful if you could also let us know if you are intending to apply for this post, and drop me an email when you’ve applied. Thanks!





——– Forwarded Message ——–

Subject: Second Industrial Year placement student at DCA

Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2019 13:52:49 +0000

From: Richard Gledhill <>

To: Angharad Shaw [ais] <>





Hello Angharad,


I hope you are well and Gregynog went well last weekend.


At DCA we are looking to take on an additional IY student for 2020 for something quite different to our usual embedded software. We are looking for an exceptional student who is comfortable with full stack software development for web interfaces, specifically:


-Data entry and visualisation on web pages


-Interfacing to a database (probably MySQL/NoSQL)


-Server-side data processing and scripting (maybe PHP but could be an



-Export of data to Excel worksheets (probably just through a third-party



Do you have any students in mind who would be willing to take this on?

It would be a prime opportunity for a student to gain valuable commercial experience in putting together a complex system for us. I’m sure there would be other projects around the side of this too so they would get some variation in their work as well.


Tom Hotston (copied) has kindly offered to make himself available to potential placement students if they would like to talk to him about working at DCA.


Looking forward to hearing if you have anyone in mind,


Kind regards,




*Richard Gledhill*


Senior Software Skill Leader


*DCA Design International*


19 Church Street**


Warwick CV34 4AB


United Kingdom


*T*+44 (0)1926 507291 (Direct)


*T*+44 (0)1926 499461 (Reception)







DCA Design International Limited

Registered number: 01995159

Registered in England and Wales

Registered office: 19 Church Street, Warwick, CV34 4AB


bsquare_flyer_student_placement 2020

BSquare were at the recruitment fair recently, and met some of you. But here’s the advert for those who missed them there. They will be coming to Aberystwyth to interview (so pretty much guaranteed to take one or two of you), making this a very easy one for you! Interviews will probably be on 4th and 5th December, in the Comp Sci department.

See attached. Apply today!

Network support officer, Ruthin

Had this job ad through from an Aber Grad who runs a company in Ruthin (North Wales). It’s for a network support operator, and the salary is in excess of £25k.
The company are on facebook, twitter and linkedin (see below)

Framatome GmbH (Germany)

Dear students looking for an IY,

An exciting opportunity has just arrived in my inbox for you! We have had placements in Erlangen in the past, and it’s great that they have come back to us again. As you all know, I very much like to push placements in other countries, having done one myself in (German-speaking) Switzerland. Not only do you get the work experience, but you also get to experience another culture; this will make you stand out to future employers. It also will make it easier to get jobs in other countries in the future, as employers will see you as a more “international” person.

So, please go for these if you are interested at all. There will be people at Gregynog who can tell you what it’s like, including a present IY student in Germany.


——– Forwarded Message ——–

Subject: Framatome GmbH Industrial Placements for 2020
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2019 12:41:19 +0000
From: NEWHAM David (Framatome) <>
To: <>


Dear Angharad Shaw at Aberystwyth University,

FramatomePlacement has four positions for Placement Year Computer Science Students (or related computing courses e.g. Information Technology) in Erlangen, Germany

Please find attached the job advert regarding roles and requirements.

Any further queries regarding the placement can be directed to me.



Mit freundlichen Grüßen/ Kind Regards


David Newham

Framatome GmbH

Phone    +49 (0) 9131 90093370

Paul-Gossen Straße 100

91052 Erlangen


Science and Technology Facilities Council

Dear students looking for an industrial placement,


This has just come to me, and it looks like there are quite a few placements. Note the closing date is 27th October – that’s a Sunday! – and the day after Gregynog. So how about giving it a go now, as part of the practise for Gregynog?


There are lots of jobs here, if you follow the link in the forwarded message. It’s a fairly sure thing that most students will not be geared up for this yet, so you’ve probably got a fair chance with these.




Dear all,

I hope you are well. You may be aware that applications for the STFC

2020 Industrial Placements (previously known as Sandwich Students) are now open. To help us maximise our reach and engagement with Universities and students, we would greatly appreciate our current students sharing details of the 2020 placements with your University placement supervisor / tutor.

We have put together a short email (attached) which advertises the STFC Industrial Placement programme and the areas we are looking to recruit it. If possible, can you please ask your placement tutor to share the attached email with all relevant students who may be looking for an industrial placement to start in summer 2020.

If your university supervisor has any questions or would like to know more about the scheme, please feel free to provide them with this email address and put them directly in contact with me.

Thank you again for your help in sharing & spreading the work about the STFC Industrial Placements. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards


Katie Yates | Graduate and Student Recruitment Assistant Human Resources Division | Science and Technology Facilities Council

(STFC) |

Ext: 5650 | Direct Dial: 01235 445650



Science and Technology Facilities Council
Industrial Placements

Applications for the 2020 Industrial Placement Scheme are now open.


Don’t wait until you graduate to experience working at The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), we have a variety of opportunities for undergraduates, via our: Industrial Placements . Whilst working at STFC you will gain on the job work experience, working on real projects alongside expert scientists and engineers. By joining us on a placement, you could also earn the opportunity to be sponsored through the rest of your degree – before returning to us as a graduate.


You could be working with the world leading experts and be involved in some of the worlds biggest and most exciting science and engineering projects. Many industrial placements will provide you with the opportunity to develop your skills and gain vital experience, but not many can also offer you the opportunity to make history. At STFC you won’t just observe- you’ll help to make things happen. We’ll trust you, value you and empower you to contribute ideas and make a difference.


The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) is one of Europe’s largest research organisations. We’re trusted to support, enable and undertake pioneering projects in an amazing diversity of fields. Through world-class facilities and people, we’re driving ground-breaking advances in science, technology and Engineering. For more information on STFC please view one of our videos.


An STFC Industrial placement would be ideal for anyone looking to gain practical work experience in the following areas:


·         Computer Science

·         Computer & Systems Engineering

·         Engineering (all areas)

·         Finance

·         Science & Research (Biology, Chemistry & Physics)

·         Scientific Communications


To see all available Industrial Placements and to apply, please visit Our Careers website.

Application Closing Date: 27th October 2019


Undergraduate HR

Dear students,

This has just come to me this morning. When an employer sends an email like this direct to us, it means they are really interested in our students. So that means you have a good chance.

I have replied to ask what the deadline is, but why wait? You’re working on your CVs now, and by the time you get an interview, you’ll have had the Gregynog preparation! And quite often companies (especially smaller ones) don’t set deadlines; they just close their applications when they’ve found the right candidates.


——– Forwarded Message ——–

Subject: Undergraduate Vacancies 2020
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2019 10:52:49 +0000
From: Edward Murphy <>


Hi Angharad


Would it be possible to advertise our IT undergraduate 2020 vacancies with you this year.


I have attached the link to the vacancies that we are looking for this year.


Thank you for your help in advance


Kind Regards


Ed Murphy
Undergraduate HR

t. 01883 335422

Croudace House, Tupwood Lane, Caterham, Surrey, CR3 6XQ


We have had some very successful placements at GSK – we have a student there this year. The company has just approached us directly with this job. That’s always a good sign – it means they are actively targeting you, and it means you have a good chance with an application.;data=02%7C01%7C%7Cdc586e0852144813769508d74d618111%7Cd47b090e3f5a4ca084d09f89d269f175%7C0%7C0%7C637062953480485717&amp;sdata=T8RT%2BZn%2F0drX3ipaSlpgYFP2yHSHaoGCMtKH5YC3L2Q%3D&amp;reserved=0



This role would particularly suit someone studying Data Science, AI, or a Comp Sci / Software engineering student with an interest in that area (and it’s a fascinating area – the sort of stuff I did for my PhD, so if you like numbers and data then go for it).

Carlos Roldan

This job advert comes from a recent student of ours, Carlos Roldan, who has established his own company in Spain.;data=02%7C01%7C%7Cf81ea280abc3451154a308d74cf393cd%7Cd47b090e3f5a4ca084d09f89d269f175%7C0%7C0%7C637062481348350712&amp;sdata=S52c1SIH%2FrqRITVy9kCDwY4IYINEZsqrNy0O284TzPk%3D&amp;reserved=0


He is happy to receive applications after Gregynog, as he hasn’t set a deadline. It sounds very interesting, but obviously as we haven’t had students at the company before, it’s up to you to find out if you like the sound of it. It sounds good though. I’d suggest emailing Carlos for more details, if you are interested.


You can email applications direct to Carlos at

This company sent me these adverts a fortnight ago! Most companies are not quite this early, but – as they say – the early bird catches the worm.


Meaning, in this case,

* companies that apply earlier tend to get the keener students (before they find other jobs), and

* the keenest students tend to have less competition (the “I’ll leave it until later” effect)


The cs-iy-interest list wasn’t ready to send to at the end of last month, but now it is. So, don’t leave it. Go for it! You have to write a CV for Gregynog anyway, so why not send it off.


There won’t be a lot of competition for these jobs, because most students won’t apply – you know, that tendency to leave things until later? Don’t be one of those! 🙂


Plus, the company contacted us directly, which means they are genuinely interested in Aber students. That’s a big advantage for you.


If you send them an application, please let us know, so we have an idea who is applying for what. Good luck!

Machine Learning and Computer VIsion Engineer 2019 Mechanical Engineer 2019 Software Engineer 2019 Applications Engineer 2019 Electronic Hardware Engineer 2019

ISIS facility of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

Dear students looking for an IY,

This has just come to us. Note the closing date is the Sunday (!) right after Gregynog, so it’s probably a good idea not to leave it until then. Morwenna can help you with your CV; Gregynog will obviously help with your interview technique.

This is quite an exciting opportunity for anyone interested in programming in a scientific environment.



From: Nick Draper – UKRI STFC <>




I’m Nick Draper a project manager at the ISIS facility of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, just south of Oxford. As part of our project we offer several year-long industrial placements each year for undergraduates to join our team developing scientific software to support the data analysis at the ISIS neutron and muon facility.  This scheme has been running for several years and we get excellent feedback from our students every year about the training and experience we offer.


We have three placements to offer for next year and are keen to find the right students to work with.  These posts are programming roles for scientific software, so we are after those students where programming is a real talent, have an interest in science and a willingness to learn.


The link with the Job description and how to apply is below, and I hope you can help us with this, the closing date for student applications is the 27th of October.




Nick Draper


Mantid Project Manager

Tel: +44 (0)1235 567212

12 month placements for IT / Computing within JDE (coffee company)


Are you looking for a 12-month IT & computing placement for 2019/20? Do you want real responsibility with the chance to influence household name coffee brands including Tassimo, Kenco, L’Or and Jacobs?


Global Fast Moving Consumer Goods Company (FMCG) JACOBS DOUWE EGBERTS (JDE) is looking for year-in-industry students from technical degree backgrounds to join their diverse, global team of over 15,000 coffee champions, on 12-month placements in IT and computing.




Company Jacobs Douwe Egberts
Location Banbury, Oxfordshire
Roles 12-month Year in Industry Placements in IT
Salary £18,500 + £1,000 sign-on bonus
Assessment dates 26th November – 7th December 2019
Start Date July 2020
Deadline 9th November 2019


Who is the company?

– JDE is a €5 billion global business with around 15,000 associates based in 28 different countries, selling their brands in over 100 different countries around the world. 

– Formed in 2015, JDE retains a start-up feel containing some of the leading brands in the Coffee and Tea industry including – Kenco, L’OR, Tassimo and Douwe Egberts to name a few.

– JDE UK is headquartered in Banbury, Oxfordshire, which is one of JDE’s global ‘Power Plants’ responsible for producing 20,000 tonnes of coffee per year across 9 production lines.

– The UK represents a top 5 global market for JDE and continues to be a growth engine for the category, driving premiumisation by leading the single-serve partition with the Tassimo brand and premiumising the instant coffee segment through Kenco, L’OR and the Douwe Egberts brands.

– JDE believes amazing things can happen over a cup of coffee and with values including Entrepreneurship, Solidarity, Accountability, Simplicity and Discipline working at JDE offers you an exciting opportunity to make an impact in the world’s largest pure play coffee company.

– JDE’s goal is simple but ambitious: a coffee for every cup.


Everyone deserves the coffee they love.


What are the roles?

A placement in IT at JDE will be very varied and you will be getting stuck into lots of different tasks, depending on business needs at the time.

You will either be working in Retail:

– This IT placement involves supporting IT operations for end user services, local infrastructure, and ensuring that applications are aligned and meet business needs.

– You will be supporting the Infrastructure Specialist in local and end user services

– You will be responsible for the maintenance and delivery of web systems

– You will work with application and infrastructure vendors to resolve issues


Or Manufacturing:

– This IT placement involves working with the Plant Systems team in relation to any system or production issue

– You will be leading on the creation and development of network Policies

– You will maintain updates, patching and antivirus of computer operating systems and applications

– You will catalog, document and verify backups and archives as well as document and maintain system policies

One application will consider you for both roles!

Why should you apply?

Travel: JDE provide awesome opportunities to travel. Last year around half the placement students travelled abroad.

Fantastic perks: 25 days holiday, free hot beverages (not just coffee!) and even Barista training!

Student Charity Committee: Every Friday all the placement students get together for a fun charity meeting. Last year their charity work raised over £30,000 in total.

Culture: At JDE they have a friendly, hands-on environment where everyone is encouraged to contribute and all opinions are valued. There is also a strong mentoring programme and you will be periodically reporting to senior business stakeholders and interacting with other placement students. 

Corporate Social Responsibility: From sourcing ingredients responsibly with internationally recognised standards, to partnering directly with suppliers to improve working conditions and protect natural resources, and aiming to make all manufacturing sites landfill free by 2020, at JDE they are driven by their passion for coffee & tea, care for people and respect for the environment. 


Who is best suited to this role?

– You must be studying for a technical degree (such as computing & IT) and have an interest in IT and technology systems.

– You must be a good communicator with excellent attention to detail and be willing to get stuck in.

– You must be an undergraduate looking for a 12-month Year-in-Industry placement from July 2020 to July 2021.


Click here to apply now:

It only takes 30 seconds to register your interest in these roles, and we’ll support you throughout the full application process

Software engineering job, Komatsu Worcester

Software Engineers from Aber might want to join the Komatsu Mining Longwall Control and Automation department in Worcester.

All the equipment is SIL rated and safety critical, predominately the software is C/C++ based following a MISRA Like standard. However we also develop a HMI which is Java based, and an archive server in MySql, and in office tools using varying languages.

We take an agile approach with daily scrums, source control with GIT and PVCS, with planning on VSTS.

Reuben a recent aber grad writes “Personally i feel it was a great place to come to, I was thrown into development early on and have learnt so much from the wealth of knowledge in the team, and had the opportunity to visit onsite customers in Australia, and even go underground. We are often looking for new engineers to join the team so if you think it would be of use for some grads then feel free to email” (email removed for the blog posting but if you want to get in touch contact Hannah Dee who’ll pass details on)