Example jobs currently on Prospects

Cognizant (Digital Engineering Apprentice): https://www.prospects.ac.uk/employer-profiles/cognizant-19687/jobs/apprentice-developer-digital-engineering-2675377
Sopra Steria (Digital Graduate Programme): https://www.prospects.ac.uk/employer-profiles/sopra-steria-25835/jobs/digital-graduate-programme-2675521
Autotrader (Software tester): https://www.prospects.ac.uk/employer-profiles/auto-trader-27176/jobs/graduate-software-tester-2675507
Reed business (User Experience): https://www.prospects.ac.uk/employer-profiles/reed-business-information-21427/jobs/2019-ux-graduate-scheme-2673770

Rowan is a recent graduate of ours. He’s now working at a company called OpenMarket. His company is offering mock telephone interviews for the attached position, as a way of helping you with your interview technique and CV.

Please contact Rowan directly if you’re interested

(rowan.foley-marshall@openmarket.com) – send him your CV. Of course, if you really impress, this could lead to something more with the company.

There is no obligation, no ties. So if you want some practice, or you’re not sure why you haven’t got those interviews yet, this is a really good opportunity. Right now, at the start of term when there’s not so much on, seems an ideal time!

And please let me know how you get on, and if it was useful, if you do this. I’d like feedback, so we know if it’s worth doing next year.

SoftwareEngineerJobDescription——– Forwarded Message ——–

Subject: Job Ad

From: Rowan Foley-Marshall <rowan.foley-marshall@openmarket.com>

Hi Angharad,

Attached is a 2-page job ad for a Software Developer. It’s based off our real job ads with trimmed down requirements and some extraneous stuff removed. Looking at the current modules I think most 3rd years would fit the requirements reasonably well, but we’re happy to mock-interview anyone interested.

Cyngor Sir Gwynedd

Annwyl bawb / Dear all,

Dyma swydd sydd newydd dod trwodd yng Nghyngor Sir Gwynedd. Mae’r allu i siarad Cymareg yn fantais mawr. Dw i wedi ymweld â myfyrwyr yn y gweithle ‘ma o’r blaen, ac mae’n debyg i fi fod e’n swydd da iawn, mewn awyrgylch hyfryd, reit ar bwys Castell Caernarfon.

This position has just come through for Manylion Person Person Spec Swydd Ddisgrifiad Job Description. The ability to speak Welsh is an advantage. I have visited students on placement there in the past, and it seems to me that it’s an excellent job, in a very nice environment, right next to Caernarfon castle.

Croudace (London)

Dear students,

Please see the opportunity below, which has just been sent directly to me. So clearly they want our students! If you want to live near London but not quite in it, this could be ideal for you.

There are a lot of jobs coming in at the moment, as you’ll have noticed. This really is the top time to be applying. Please don’t leave it and hope more will come along later.

——– Forwarded Message ——–


We currently have two IT undergraduate vacancies starting in Summer 2019, the link to our Undergraduate Vacancies is below:




We will aim to close the vacancy on the 15th February 2018.


If you have any questions then please let me know.

Machine Learning in Malvern

Roland Lee, whom you might remember from Gregynog, has sent us this link, for an IY placement in Malvern (yes, another one – another company). One of their positions might be particularly of interest to students studying AI, as it mentioned Machine Learning in the advertisement.





I am afraid I don’t know anything more about the company, but it looks very interesting, and it would be good to get students there.

Cogitor – industrial year developers

Cogitor – industrial year developers

Richard Adams (richard@cogitor.co.uk) from Cogitor has contacted me directly, offering 2 to 4 IY positions for you. This is yet another company who regularly comes to us for IY students, and so obviously likes our students. Another one where an application stands a relatively high chance of success.

Do not worry about the fact that you won’t have studied Ruby On Rails yet (that’s a third year option for you). You’ll learn it quickly.

I’d very much like to get a few of you at this company. It’s good for us to keep in with (relatively) local businesses. And Shrewsbury is a lovely town, just 75 miles away, with an easy rail ride back to Aber to see your friends in Aber!




Tristan (tristan.mitchell@deltaxml.com) from DeltaXML has contacted me directly, offering two IY positions for you. This is a great opportunity with a company who regularly comes to us for IY students, and so obviously likes our students. Another one where an application stands a relatively high chance of success.


So please apply, if you like the sound of it.


And Malvern is a very nice area too!

Net World Sports – Junior Web Developer

PLACEMENT Junior Web Developer

Please see the attached advertisement for a job in Wrecsam, northeast Wales.

This is an excellent job. I visited our current student on placement at the company in November, and she was very much enjoying it. The managers all seemed a good bunch of people too. As far as I know, they are only advertising to you.

So, once again, this is a job for which an application stands a high chance of success. Please apply, if this is your thing!


Computer Student Advertisement 2019-2020

Framatome is currently seeking IT placement students for our engineering divisions in Germany.


Framatome is a world leader in the design and construction of nuclear power plants, as well as other related activities. Further information can be found at: http://www.framatome.com/


The advertisement containing all the information for distribution to the students is enclosed. Please note that candidates will be considered upon receipt of application, and that early applications are recommended.


On account of the current political situation we are obliged to point out that the conclusion of an employment contract will be subject to the results of the Brexit negotiations and that at this time we cannot provide any guarantees in this respect.