Year in Industry Placement at UTC Aerospace Systems

Claire Knights from UTC (many of you met her at Gregynog) has sent their IY advert (attached)

>Please find attached a job advert for the Year in Industry at UTC Aerospace Systems – >some of the students saw this / met us at Gregynog this weekend.

>Would you be able to advertise it to the second year students for me please? We’ve had >an Aber student every year so far, so it’d be great to get another one this year.



Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust

Here is a copy of an opportunity I have just been sent by email.

It is now time for the GWCT to begin advertising our placement opportunities for 2018/19. At this time, we have 1 x undergraduate Computer Science and Wildlife Research sandwich placement opportunity. This placement along with our ecological research opportunities have now been added to our website:

Application and Deadline

I strongly suggest that interested students, get the following to the placement contacts as soon as possible:

1. CV detailing A levels and GCSEs – results and subjects; as well as any graded university results up until the application is sent. Please ask students to include information on any paid or volunteer activities.

2. Covering letter – Students should describe what they want out of the placement, their interest and what skills they bring to it.

3. A references letter from a lecturer or tutor.

We will need these documents by 3rd January 2018 to ensure that students are considered for the first round of interviews. For most of the placements interviewing will start in mid-January and will continue until we have filled the positions. We may accept late applications if we have not filled the position already so it is always worthwhile for interested students to enquire, up until the adverts are taken off our website.

Finally, thank you again for allowing us the opportunity of providing sandwich placements to your students. Over the course of many years we have found sandwich students to be an extremely valuable addition to our organisation and we have enjoyed working with them and you. We as an organisation, feel the students get invaluable experience in wildlife conservation research from these opportunities, which seems to be a valuable asset when they enter the job market or postgraduate education, be it related or not.

If I am sending this to the incorrect person then please also let me know, if possible with the correct contact.

Kind Regards,

Ryan Burrell

Opportunities at Rutherford Appleton

I have been sent the following email. RAL is a great place to work and has taken Aber IY students many times before.

I’m Nick Draper a project manager at the ISIS facility of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, just south of Oxford. As part of our project we offer several year-long industrial placements each year for undergraduates to join our team developing scientific software to support the data analysis at the ISIS neutron and muon facility. This scheme has been running for several years and we get excellent feedback from our students every year about the training and experience we offer.

We have four placements to offer for next year out of a group of 4 students and are keen to find the right students to work with. These posts are programming roles for scientific software, so we are after those students where programming is a real talent and have an interest in science and a willingness to learn.

I’ve attached a job description to this email and the link for applications is below, and I hope you can help us with this, the closing date for student applications is the 24th of October.

Intergral GmbH IY positions (6 possible)

Intergral ( are an SME near Stuttgart, Germany.  I visited the company a few months back and it is a fantastic place to work (it is a ‘spin off’ set up by two ex Hewlett Packard employees from the UK).  They work in English so German is not necessary.  There is an Aber student there this year.  You need to be very good technically and have a strong work ethic…  I copy a couple of comment the CEO passed on to me:

“A trend has been noticed in the series of interviews we have had thus far. A lot of the applicants have been very focused towards the design and building of websites. Whereas, Intergral is looking more for the design and creation of ‘web applications‘ rather than ‘web sites‘. It may be worth mentioning to students with an interest in the web position to ensure they have at least a good understanding of server-side languages such as PHP in addition to the front-end technologies listed in the job description. Additionally, they will definitely benefit greatly from becoming acquainted with cloud architecture and some of the frameworks/methodologies used to accomplish it.”

Here are the job details:

Student Positions 20161ICT

Method4 – Cardiff

I have had this opportunity from Method4 in Cardiff

“We’re a IT company in Cardiff and we currently have an Aberystwyth University student on an industry year placement and we have had offers accepted with another two for the upcoming academic year. We are [also] looking to employ students graduating this year on a permanent basis”.

Details of the graduate position here:

Method4 Graduate Job spec 2016

Ty Imperial, Trade Street, Caerdydd CF10 5DTImperial House, Trade Street, Cardiff CF10 5DT, Ffôn/Tel 029 2066 5947,


Tiger Computing IY opportunity

Love Linux?

Tiger Computing, the UK’s leading Linux support provider since 2002, is offering an Industrial Year placement.

What you’ll be doing

Setting up Linux systems, researching how to solve Linux problems, writing up technical notes, assisting Linux consultants with their work, managing Linux systems. How deep will the work go? Just a little deeper than you’re comfortable with.

Note the deadline for applications is the 1 June 2015

IY opportunity at Ziron in Bicester

Ziron is a wholesale telecommunications company. They supply and support APIs for wholesale voice and messaging services, covering VoIP and SMS world wide.

They have a small office based in Bicester, supplying services around the world. The placement will involve supporting a large number of servers for customers whilst developing and documenting APIs.

CEO Alex Kinch

IY positions at Plymouth Marine Labs

Here is the detailed application information.  (Update) there are actually 3 jobs available with the following specification, but note the shortish deadline for applications:

Sandwich Course Student 2015 june

Following a visit to this years students at PML it appears they are still looking for another IY student or two from Aber. The official recruitment has finished so send application to the contact details on  Applications must be received in the next week or so. PML do lots of exciting scientific work and have loads of high end computing applications.  Look at their website.  Email nns if you are interested and I’ll put you in contact with the Aber student that is there this year so you can find out more.