Feral Interactive – Web developer and Game developer vacancies

Web and Tools Developer – Feral Interactive

Game Developer Feral Interactive

To apply for the Web developer post please please send your CV and a covering letter no later than 15th February 2016 to:

You should address your application to Justin Emery, our Head of Web Development.

To apply for the Game developer post please send your CV and a covering letter no later than 15th February 2016 to:

You should address your application to Ian Bullock, our Head of Technology.


Network Engineer Placement, Newbury Berkshire

Network IP – RMP Ad

The information and application page on their website will go live on 1st Oct. This placement commences July 2016.

The assessment centre will be held at Cognito Limited  offices in Newbury, on Thurs 21st Jan 2016.

If you have any questions regarding the specification document or what is required please contact the account manager, James on 0203056772 or james@rmpenterpise.co.uk


Plymouth Marine Laboratory – Additional Placement

The Remote Sensing Group at Plymouth Marine Laboratory is considering taking on one additional  placement student for 2015/16 (ie. to start immediately)

Please send a CV and covering letter to Elizabeth Hamilton-Matthews. Her contact details are in the advertisement. Recruitment will continue until the end of September or until the position is filled. There will not be a specific interview date.

Plymouth Marine Laboratory Sandwich Course Student 2015

Cloudfm group – 2 Job Vacancies

Theirr IT department is currently 4 and growing, as a company there are just over 100 strong employees with £29m run rate TO, clients include: KFC, Pizza Express, Poundland etc.

‘We are looking for top quality staff, who are free thinkers, can react to the dynamics of the business and develop what we consider cutting edge applications, we work at a very fast pace and have a seriously entrepreneurial CEO, 9 to 5’ers need not apply!’

Front End Developer at the TFS Head office in Colchester

SQL DBA Back End Developer Colchester

Please contact Martin Lee m.lee@cloudfmgroup.com for further details